My Favorite Books

In no particular order, these are books (or book series) that I absolutely love and I hope that everyone reads.  These are a mix of urban fantasy, fantasy, and YA books. 

  • Vampire Academy Series - Richelle Mead

    • This is one series that I really enjoyed in part because I read it all together.  It was great to see the plot lines from book one twist and turn all the way through book six.  I think that Mead did a great job of making sure to tie up all of her loose ends in the last book and I personally love that we got a happy ending (and a sequel series). 

  • Percy Jackson Series - Rick Riordan

    • I absolutely fell in love with this series.  It is written for a younger audience, but I think that older readers can appreciate the mythology in the stories and can get more out of the stories than they would think.  I know that my younger cousin has read it and he just thought it was a fun action series while I was more focused on how Riordan's tale played so well into the ancient Greek myths.  This is an amazing series and if you have a younger sibling or anyone in your life that you are trying to push some books on this is a great series to get them interested in reading. 

  • Raine Benaries Series - Lisa Shearin
(Not an image of the first book, but my personal favorite cover)
    • This is a fantasy series, and it is the first published series from this author.  I will say that it took me a while to get used to this author's style - and the later books are 100% better than book one.  By the middle of this series, I fell in love with the author's sense of humor.  My favorite quote "I couldn't be bonded to any old stone of cataclysmic power.  MINE HAS LAWYERS."  This series has everything you could ever want: pirates (cannons and all), Goblins, Trolls, and of course a swoon worthy hero who is not only strong enough to handle our main character, but respects that she is just as capable as he is, with or without magic. 

  • Demon Summoner Series - Diana Rowland

    • This series is a mix of urban fantasy (and later more pure fantasy) and police procedural.  If you enjoy any of those crime shows on TV you will really like this series.  The author actually worked as a police officer and in a coroner's office, so the details feel very authentic.  The character's are great, the main character, Kara, is likeable and relatable.  As the series develops it constantly tries to overthrow the assumptions that you began to make in the first few books, which is great in that it throws you off kilter and you never really know who to trust. 

  • Poison Study Series - Maria S. Snyder

    • I loved the first book in this series - I have reread it and it still manages to hold that same magic.  Books 2 and 3 - not so much, but I enjoyed diving back into Yelena's world.  I know that the author spent years creating book 1, but when she got her contract she had to churn out books 2 and 3 faster and I definitely noticed a decline in quality.  But the first one is so good, it is still worth the read, and the rest aren't bad, they just cannot live up to book 1.

  • Elemental Assassin Series - Jennifer Estep
(fyi, NEVER type "spider's bite" into google image - bad things come up, very bad things)
    • This is a really long series, but Estep has managed to keep each installment interesting and a fun read.  The books can be a bit gory, after all you are reading about an assassin, but even though she kills a lot of people - and I mean A LOT of people - Gin is still a great character.  I continuously find myself empathizing with her, but at the same time Gin is tough and she doesn't feel pity for herself nor does she expect other's to pity her for her rough life.  The supporting characters in this series are great and add a lot to the books.  

  • Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling

    • It's Harry Potter - there is nothing else to say here :). 
  • Boy Series - Meg Cabot

    • These books are great if you want mind candy.  They are told through a series of emails, letters, phone messages, diary entries, etc.  I love that they also include the character's doodles, especially since I tend to scribble on anything that doesn't move.  The books are fun, cute romances and they are often hilarious.  The side characters are hilarious and they add a fun dimension to the stories. 

  • The Last of the Great Whangdoodles - Julie Edward Andrews

    • Yes, that is Julie Andrews as in the woman from The Sound of Music and The Princess Diaries.  Don't let that discourage you, this is a children's book about believing in yourself and your imagination.  It is a beautiful fun story and it was my favorite during my childhood and I still consider it to be one of my favorites now. 

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